Jean Castex, has been named as the Prime Minister for the last two years, by the French president Emmanuel Macron. Mr. Castex is a low key center right administrator. He was appointed recently to organize France’s exit from coronavirus lockdown.
French senior official described, Mr.Castex as an ideal choice to be a Macronian. This is because Mr. Catex is both a high level respected civil servant and an elected mayor of a town. The official said, as quoted “He knows the arcane workings of Paris, but is also rooted locally in the countryside. He’s someone who comes from the right but is a social Gaullist“.
Mr.Emmanuel Macron in an interview said that they felt the need to lay a new path and the reinventions and rebuilding method for the country, after the crisis of COVID-19.
Mr. Macron paid tribute to the Prime Minister by saying, as quoted, “For three years by my side he has done a remarkable job with successive governments and we have carried out some important reforms. We have a relationship of trust“. He further added that he would need a new team to rebuild and make the new choices.