World Suicide prevention Day or The World suicide survivor’s day is observed annually on September 10 to raise awareness of the subject of suicide and the actions taken on a global scale to prevent such tragedies. The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Mental Health Federation (WFMH) hosted the first-ever World Suicide prevention Day in 2003. In 2011, roughly 40 countries held suicide awareness month events to mark this occasion.
The first WHO World Suicide Report was released in 2014 entitled Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative, focusing on suicide prevention and making it a top priority on the global agenda for public health.

Several Convergences End Up Leading To Suicide
It is often a combination of genetic, psychological, social, cultural, and other risk factors, in addition to the experience of loss and trauma that can wreak havoc in the lives of individuals. Not just those who take their own life but also those around them. The observance of World Suicide Prevention Day emphasizes that by adopting a multi-level and coherent approach, each individual can work towards suicide prevention.
Even the smallest members of society can play a massive role by engaging in conversation, educating themselves and others about the causes and warning signs of suicide. Most importantly, maybe even the simplest compassion gestures can help save a life.
This isolation has come with months of social distancing and the shear stress of navigating through life while people worldwide are suffering from a dangerous virus. These circumstances have a stir worldwide, making this the most imperative time to focus on preventing suicide.
World suicide prevention day facts
- The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization began its first annual World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2003.
- It is necessary to inform people that a person dies by suicide every 40 seconds and makes a suicide attempt again up to 25 times.
- According to the WHO suicide data collection, nearly 800,00 people die each year due to suicide, boiling down to 1 death every 40 seconds, and that does not take into account the 20 million attempts at suicide.
- About 135 people are deeply grieved or otherwise affected for each suicide. Regardless of the immediate cause or trigger of suicide, it would be a significant misrepresentation of so many people to ignore all factors that play a role. Every heterogeneous person has a wide range of multiple causal influences before the final act. Often, the greatest challenge in the field of suicide prevention is this heterogeneity.
- It’s no doubt a universal challenge to prevent suicide, but we can make a change together. Do you know that more than 800,000 deaths in every 40 seconds equate to one suicide?
How Can We Help Our Loved Ones Who Are Depressed?
As we have come to know that every year on September 10, the World Suicide Prevention Day is being observed to make people understand the need to raise suicide awareness. Together, a small step can change that. So let us go ahead and help each other to raise awareness about suicide prevention.
All you need is to take care of the ones around you and get to be with them so that they feel happy and comfortable. Be happy and keep your loved ones happy. The ongoing pandemic has created a worldwide environment, particularly with the economic downturn, that is tough and incredibly harmful to mental health.