Deadly Earthquake Jolts Mexico | Arriba Trends

Deadly Earthquake Jolts Mexico


The city of Mexico experienced a powerful earthquake of a magnitude of 7.4 on Tuesday.

The earthquake centered near the resort of Huatulco along the Pacific coast in the state of Oaxaca shook the southern and central Mexico.

The US Geologic Survey department reported that the quake caused some buildings to sway in Mexico City and sent thousands fleeing into the streets and killed at least two people.

Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez said that one person was killed and another injured due to the collapse of a building, however Alejandro Murat, the Governor of Oaxaca later confirmed that a second person was killed in the mountain village of San Juan Ozolotepec, due to apparent house collapse.

Pemex which is the state-run oil company said that a fire broke down due to the quake at its refinery located at Salina Cruz which was relatively close to the epicenter. It further reported that one of its workers was injured and that the flames were extinguished quickly.

This earthquake adds to the list of recent earthquakes that includes earthquake in Indonesia, South of Kermadec Islands, Myanmar-India Border Region,  Iceland region, Red Sea and Crete in Greece that has been recorded in the past week.

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