The Indian Astronomers have discovered the extreme UV light from a galaxy named AUDFs01, which is 9.3 billion light-years away from earth. This was discovered with the help of India’s First Multi-wavelength Space Observatory named Astrosat, which was developed in 2015 and was launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). According to Professor Shyam Tandon, this is the result of efforts of the UVIT core team of scientists, who worked hard for over a decade. Union minister, Dr.Jitendra Singh congratulated the Astronomers for such a great discovery and proving world the capability of India in terms of Space technology as it has increased to a different level that is much higher than Space Scientists worldwide.
Landmark achievement by Indian Astronomers. Space observatory AstroSat discovers one of farthest galaxy of Stars in the Universe. Hailed by leading international journal “Nature Astronomy”. Very important clue for further study of Light in Universe. pic.twitter.com/WLj6SUj6gT
— Dr Jitendra Singh (@DrJitendraSingh) September 1, 2020
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