Amidst Covid-19, the US has taken the decision of buying Remdesivir
The US has now bought up all the stock of one of the key proven drugs against COVID-19, for the next three months. Indeed buying up the stock makes it unavailable for any of the countries, including the European countries.
The country has already outshone and acted smartly by taking all the drugs that they may need. Dr. Andrew Hill, said as quoted, “They’ve got access to most of the drug supply (remdesivir), so there’s nothing for Europe.”
The drug was made by Gilead and is the first authorised drug to treat COVID-19. The medicine has shown the fastest results of recovery.
If we talk about the supplies, the 140,000 doses for the first trail, supplied to the country, has been used up. Now the country’s administration has brought around 500,000 doses, for July, August, and September.
The cost of the drug is around $3,200 per treatment of six doses. The deal was made as they saw the situation in the US is turning worse. The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 ranges to 2.5 million in the US.