India registered 444 minor and 3 major AEFI cases | Arriba Trends

India registered 444 minor and 3 major AEFI cases


As per latest media briefing by the government of India’s health authority, the country has registered 447 Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) in its first two days of the nationwide vaccination drive. However, majority of the AEFI are minor in nature like pain, mild swelling at the injection site, mild fever, body ache, nausea, giddiness and mild allergic reactions like rashes, etc.

Out of the 447 only 3 cases were of serious AEFI which were hospitalized, observed and later on discharged. To address any medical emergency, the official informed that the ministry has made protocols for reporting, case management, transportation and hospitalization and further care of such cases. Along with this, the authorities are equipped to carry out the systematic investigation and causality assessment of serious AEFIs.

It is to be noted that in India till now nearly 2,24,301 individuals have received their first shot of vaccination within the first two days of the world’s largest vaccination drive.

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