Joe Biden announces relief package of USD 1.9 trillion

Joe Biden announces relief package of USD 1.9 trillion

In an effort to intensify battle against the pandemic, the newly elected US presidential candidate Joe Biden has announced a relief package of USD 1.9 trillion focusing various sections of the society. The coronavirus relief measure is planned to tackle the economic fallout and to boost the national vaccination plans.


The package includes USD 415 billion for the combat efforts against the Covid-19, direct aid to individuals and families of nearly USD 1 trillion and USD 440 billion to assist the businesses.

The proposal includes USD 1,400 of additional stimulus cheques to its citizens, extension for the unemployment programmes from mid-March to the end-September along with increase in weekly unemployment assistance from USD 300 to USD 400 and an increase in federal minimum wage to USD 15 an hour over time. It also focuses USD 20 billon for the vaccination programme and USD 50 billion for the coronavirus testing.

Announcing the rescue plans as United States being the worst hit country with 23,308,712 people directly affected by the pandemic, including 400,000 Americans losing their lives, 18 million relying on unemployment insurance and 400,000 businesses to permanently shut; Biden said this would tackle the pandemic and get direct financial assistance and relief to Americans who need it the most.

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